Token information
Type: SPL Token on Solana
Ticker: FARM
Total supply: 1,000,000 FARM
Token contract: 8RYSc3rrS4X4bvBCtSJnhcpPpMaAJkXnVKZPzANxQHgz
Initial circulating supply: 71,500 FARM
Initial market cap: $2,400,000 USD
Private sale price: $17 USD
Public sale price: $33 USD
Token distribution
Both our seed and private sale rounds are distributed over many different participants. By distributing our seed, private and public sales we are trying to create the most fair token distribution on launch possible with no single entity holding large quantities of the supply.
23% Supply, raising a total of $4M
- 5% Seed- $500,000 at $10 per token, 5% unlocked at listing, 19% each quarter thereafter
- 15% Private- $2,550,000 at $17 per token, 10% unlocked at listing, 22.5% each quarter thereafter
- 3% Public — $990,000 at $33 per token, Fully unlocked
20% Team, 100% locked for 6 months, 25% unlocked each quarter thereafter
5% Marketing, 50% unlocked at the list, 12.5% unlocked each quarter thereafter
52% Liquidity, Mint to liquidity reward
Circulating supply over time
Presale (Plan)
Date: 6/15 SGT 12:00 ~ 6/16 SGT 12:00
Allocation: 990,000 USDC
Returns: 30,000 SolaFarm tokens
Launch: 6/17
Reward Payout: 6/16
1 FARM Tokens are given per 33 USDC. If all 990,000 gets sold and allocated a total of 30,000 FARM will be issued.